For Starters....
So I decided to start a blog, or web log for you non techies. I kinda got the idea and motivation from baseball crank. It is a blog from a guy who is a huge Mets fan and a lawyer. He has an interesting mix of Baseball and politics in his blog, which for one interests me alot, and two gave me the idea to do sort of the same thing.
So for starters, you may know that I am a Red Sox fan and a huge fan of baseball all together. I read a great book about stats, no not Moneyball (which is not to say moneyball is not a great book, more on moneyball later), called The Nubmers Game by Alan Schwarz. It's a story of the history and evalution of Statistics and the fans' facination with them, particularly in baseball. Anyone who likes baseball and/or plays fantasy baseball should definately pick this book up.
There is a great site which I am going to talk/use alot in this blog called Baseball I know that this is prolly not the best blog and my writting is well at a 2nd grade level, but hey if you dont like it then go away, I'll try and get better, and I promise I will.
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