Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Why i love Torrents

One of my favorite shows on TV is L.O.S.T, which airs on ABC every Wed at 9:00 PM EST. I remembered that LOST is on tonight, which reminded me to go and download the previous episode.

This gave me an idea for a BLOG, why not write about my love for Torrents?

If you are new to Torrents or have never heard of them before here is what they are.
A torrent is a P2P (Peer to Peer) site that allows you to download from other people files that they have uploaded to that site. I, for one, use Torrent Spy which can be found here. It's a great site to find Movies, TV shows, Video games, Music and More (I must advise that this is technically illegal) by using a Torrent Client (program used to download these files, which can be found here). I use Azureus a Java Bit Torrent Client to download my content.

I can not say how much I love using this technology. I have every episode of LOST from this season and if I wanted to I could download all the episodes from last season, but unfortuantly I don't have enough space on my hard drive. So, until I buy an external hard drive, most likely from tiger direct, I will have to keep buring everything onto CDr.

As previously stated, these files (mostly the video files and game files) take up a huge amount of space on your computer. So definately take a look at what you are downloading before you download.

Also, be aware that this is a P2P service (Peer to Peer) but unlike the old Napster, Bearshare, or Kazha I have had no instances of viruses. I have never downloaded anything that was fake or harmful to my computer.

There are a few suggestions I have if you are thinking about getting into the Torrent game.

  1. These files can be very large: Movies usually 1G+, TV shows 300-700 MB, Games 700MB-1G. I suggest saving these files then burning them to CD/DVD. Make sure to take a close look at what the file size says.
  2. Make sure you are fully educated in the world of Torrents. I can honestly say that I am not a Torrent guru or anything, but I have the bases covered.
  3. Be aware that you need a DSL connection or better, dial-up (if anyone still uses dial-up) is pretty much useless here. Once you get educated on Torrents, you'll know that the more seeders and less leachers, the better.
  4. Don't be a freakin' leachin' bitch. Once you download, keep your files uploading for others to download off of, like me :) (if this last statement confuses you please educate yourself, and a good place to start would be here).

    Ok over and out


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