Big Game for Wings
After a tough loss to the St. Louis Blues (3-2 on 11/19 recap). The Wings have lost a season-high 4 straight games and need to take down the Nashville Predators to get back on track. But here is the reason for my post, not to particulary talk about the Redwings, but to complain about the lack of hockey and also the lack of different teams on TV.
Let me start off by saying how I live in boston and I am able to watch every Bruins game through N.E.S.N (the way the Bruins are playing, it can be more pain then pleasure: 0-6 in the last six games and 7-10-5 overall). So, if I lived in a city with no hockey team my chances of actually watching a game on TV is cut down by like 75%.
My true complaint is with OLN. I do appreciate that OLN picked up the networking rights to the NHL (3 years for 207.5 million), with only a maximum of 2 games a week and 58 games total. See, here is where my disapointment starts: why only 1-2 games a week? Seriously, go to OLN and any night of the week that hockey is not on check out the schedule for OLN: bull riding? reruns of survior? I mean come on! Has hockey gone down that far that people would rather watch 3 hours of bull riding rather then a hockey game? That is my frusration.
Tonight the top 2 teams in the WcC (Western conference Central) play each other, as well as the future of the NHL playing each other Sid the Kid vs. Alex the Great. And OLN decides to show 7 hours of Shark Hunters, yes that's right 7 hours. I mean come on. OLN couldn't put in a 2 hour hockey game? Aren't they just hurting their own investment? I mean they did pay 207.5 million for this, so is OLN only going to show a total of 174 games over 3 years for 207.5 million? It seems like a wasted purchase. OLN pays $1,192,528.70 per game!!!
So, my question to OLN is why give up on your product before you even give it a chance? I used to hate ESPN broadcasts of the NHL (partly because I grew up watching CBC Unparell hockey coverage) but now I would do back flips for Tuesday night hockey on ESPN with Darren "i sucked in goal" Pang and Barry "huge mullet" Melrose. Mostly I am pissed becasue I have been only able to see one Wings game this year and that my friends is just wrong.
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