Thursday, April 06, 2006

Draft Day...My FantasyBaseball Draft

So on yesterdays post, i talked about the real opening day, and mentioned that i would be back to post about my fantasy baseball draft (well one of them at least) This year i will be talking about my Yahoo Plus Money League (8 teams, 100.00 per team).

I'm a bit depressed because there are only 8 teams in our league this year, its tough to keep this running each year, but the good does out wieght the bad.
I received the 8th spot in our serpintine draft. Keep in mind that this is a "Keeper League" if it actually last past this season i would be realy impressed.

We play with really wacky stats, this is definatly not your typical 5x5 roto league...keep that in mind.

So on to the draft

Round 1
1. A. Pujols Fu-Schnickens
2. Á. Rodríguez Bye Bye Bronson
3. V. Guerrero Baseball Stars
4. M. Teixeira Stewie's Revenge
5. M. Ramírez Immigration
6. D. Ortiz Corked Bat & needs
7. M. Young Damn Mosquitoes
8. Jo. Santana Angry Mobsters (My Team)

The 1st round is usually one of the most predictable rounds of the draft, i took Santana, but i didnt feel comfortable with that pick, i just think that SP are too fragile for your first pick, but i went against my better judgment, we'll see how that turns out.

Round 2:
1. D. Lee Angry Mobsters
2. D. Wright Damn Mosquitoes
3. C. Utley Corked Bat &...
4. C. Crawford Immigration
5. J. Rollins Stewie's Rev...
6. Mi. Cabrera Baseball Sta...
7. J. Peavy Bye Bye Bronson
8. I. Suzuki Fu-Schnickens

I go ahead and take my favorite position in Fantasy Baseball (1st) and select D.Lee, lets hope his 05 season is not a fluke (even though the numbers he has put up every except 05 have been underated) I'll take a shot...

Round 3
1. C. Figgins Fu-Schnickens
2. A. Jones Bye Bye Bronson
3. B. Abreu Baseball Sta...
4. R. Oswalt Stewie's Rev...
5. J. Bay Immigration
6. M. Tejada Corked Bat &...
7. R. Halladay Damn Mosquitoes
8. J. Reyes Angry Mobsters

Some of my favorite F.B. (Fantasy Baseball) players are snatched up before my next pick (A. Jones, C. Figgins, Peavy, Crawford, Rollins). I look at who is out there and take speed...There is not that much guarnteed speed on the market, and 2 of 3 has already been taken. So i select Reyes, who i think will have a better year then figgins anyways. Once again we will see...

Round 4
1. T. Helton Angry Mobsters
2. V. Martínez Damn Mosquitoes
3. L. Berkman Corked Bat &...
4. P. Martínez Immigration
5. J. Mauer Stewie's Rev...
6. C. Carpenter Baseball Sta...
7. D. Willis Bye Bye Bronson
8. J. Pierre Fu-Schnickens

Super stoked here with my Reyes-Helton Super Sandwich pick, for some reason helton always ends up on my team. I love him even though he is in his 30's his Avg, OBP, and OPS are unbelievable. Although he is another risk, ask anyone who had him last year (especially before the allstar break) But i go with my man.

Round 5
1. G. Sheffield Fu-Schnickens
2. M. Rivera Bye Bye Bronson
3. A. Soriano Baseball Sta...
4. A. Ramírez Stewie's Rev...
5. J. Kent Immigration
6. A. Dunn Corked Bat &...
7. C. Beltrán Damn Mosquitoes
8. B. Lidge Angry Mobsters

I take my first closer, and am about to blow the doors off this league... watch this....

Round 6
1. Fr. Rodríguez Angry Mobsters
2. V. Wells Damn Mosquitoes
3. J. Nathan Corked Bat &...
4. C. Delgado Immigration
5. R. Harden Stewie's Rev...
6. F. Hernández Baseball Sta...
7. P. Konerko Bye Bye Bronson
8. R. Johnson Fu-Schnickens

Yeah thats right back 2 back closers, 2 of the top 5 RP in the game, i am guarenteed at least 75 saves this year, with a great whip, and we are also using svop this year so thats anther 80 svop i can guarentee. Well i feel pretty confident in those 2 picks, even though they came pretty early in the draft.

Round 7
1. B. Wagner Fu-Schnickens
2. C. Lee Bye Bye Bronson
3. B. Sheets Baseball Sta...
4. H. Street Stewie's Rev...
5. D. Jeter Immigration
6. C. Zambrano Corked Bat &...
7. R. Sexson Damn Mosquitoes
8. A. Béltre Angry Mobsters

Ok now you wanna see to risky picks??? Beltre and then...

Round 8
1. E. Gagne Angry Mobsters
2. B. Colón Damn Mosquitoes
3. G. Sizemore Corked Bat &...
4. M. Ensberg Immigration
5. T. Iguchi Stewie's Rev...
6. R. Furcal Baseball Sta...
7. C. Cordero Bye Bye Bronson
8. B. Ryan Fu-Schnickens

ouch, not sure what i was thinking there, but i both of these guys can produce what they did 2 years ago, man i can smell the trophy (and more importaintly the money). I liked the way beltre was swinging the bat in the WBC, that was the greatest reason for me drafting him. Gagne, well ill take a flier on him, he may never be who he was, but if he can be, watch out...Another wait and see.

Round 9
1. J. Peralta Fu-Schnickens
2. M. Giles Bye Bye Bronson
3. R. Howard Baseball Sta...
4. H. Matsui Stewie's Rev...
5. J. Damon Immigration
6. S. Podsednik Corked Bat &...
7. J. Isringhausen Damn Mosquitoes
8. J. Patterson Angry Mobsters

I know it might sound like a cop-out but i didnt mean to take him... i was selecting him to put him in my queue when it showed i selected him. well lets hope it works out for the best...

Round 10
1. J. Schmidt Angry Mobsters
2. C. Schilling Damn Mosquitoes
3. T. Hoffman Corked Bat &...
4. M. Prior Immigration
5. C. Crisp Stewie's Rev...
6. J. Beckett Baseball Sta...
7. B. Myers Bye Bye Bronson
8. C. Jones Fu-Schnickens

Another shaky pick, the last couple rounds have not been my best work in FB....another wait and see here though... on to round 11-12

Round 11
1. J. Varitek Fu-Schnickens
2. F. López Bye Bye Bronson
3. J. Cantú Baseball Sta...
4. D. Turnbow Stewie's Rev...
5. A. Pettitte Immigration
6. T. Hafner Corked Bat &...
7. K. Griffey Jr. Damn Mosquitoes
8. C. Sabathia Angry Mobsters
Round 12
1. R. Weeks Angry Mobsters
2. B. Giles Damn Mosquitoes
3. B. Bonds Corked Bat &...
4. M. Buehrle Immigration
5. T. Hunter Stewie's Rev...
6. J. Thome Baseball Sta...
7. J. Smoltz Bye Bye Bronson
8. E. Santana Fu-Schnickens

Some better work here, i really like Weeks, and CC, but i think i took too many SP at the wrong starting think that this is gonna come back and bite me.

Round 13
1. P. Lo Duca Fu-Schnickens
2. P. Burrell Bye Bye Bronson
3. B. Zito Baseball Sta...
4. J. Contreras Stewie's Rev...
5. B. Webb Immigration
6. M. Mulder Corked Bat &...
7. K. Foulke Damn Mosquitoes
8. K. Johjima Angry Mobsters
Round 14
1. M. Holliday Angry Mobsters
2. B. Roberts Damn Mosquitoes
3. J. Lackey Corked Bat &...
4. E. Guardado Immigration
5. R. Zimmerman Stewie's Rev...
6. F. Cordero Baseball Sta...
7. R. Hernández Bye Bye Bronson
8. C. Lee Fu-Schnickens

Can you say break-out players??? Holliday and KoJo will be known players by the end of this year, remember that...i called it.

Round 15
1. A. Burnett Fu-Schnickens
2. F. García Bye Bye Bronson
3. J. Posada Baseball Sta...
4. B. Jenks Stewie's Rev...
5. J. López Immigration
6. I. Rodríguez Corked Bat &...
7. E. Chávez Damn Mosquitoes
8. A. Huff Angry Mobsters
Round 16
1. M. Cain Angry Mobsters
2. J. Garland Damn Mosquitoes
3. T. Hudson Corked Bat &...
4. K. Wood Immigration
5. J. Bonderman Stewie's Rev...
6. N. Lowry Baseball Sta...
7. Z. Duke Bye Bye Bronson
8. C. Floyd Fu-Schnickens

Realized i needed some OF i pick up Huff, he gives me a bit of flex at the OF/1st postion, not sure i like what he is gonna do this year but hey...wait and see i guess...As for Cain, i wanted a SP who is both a great prospect and ready to start now... Cain is the man for the job, rave reviews, and a spot in the rotation, perfect...except that i just realized i took cain and schmidt dont like to do that...

Round 17
1. H. Blalock Fu-Schnickens
2. B. Wilkerson Bye Bye Bronson
3. J. Edmonds Baseball Sta...
4. J. Francoeur Stewie's Rev...
5. T. Glaus Immigration
6. S. Rolen Corked Bat &...
7. J. Lugo Damn Mosquitoes
8. N. Swisher Angry Mobsters
Round 18
1. J. Drew Angry Mobsters
2. S. Hillenbrand Damn Mosquitoes
3. M. González Corked Bat &...
4. R. Clemens Immigration
5. J. Mathis Stewie's Rev...
6. N. Garciaparra Baseball Sta...
7. J. Lieber Bye Bye Bronson
8. B. Wickman Fu-Schnickens

1 bad pick, and 1 that ill most likely regret dropping right after the draft, can you pick who is who??? if you said drew is the bad pick...then you are thinking like me....Again lets wait and see.

Round 19
1. M. Ordóñez Fu-Schnickens
2. B. Hall Bye Bye Bronson
3. L. Hernández Baseball Sta...
4. D. Young Stewie's Rev...
5. C. Tracy Immigration
6. M. Mora Corked Bat &...
7. M. Loretta Damn Mosquitoes
8. I. Kinsler Angry Mobsters
Round 20
1. F. Liriano Angry Mobsters
2. D. Haren Damn Mosquitoes
3. J. Willingham Corked Bat &...
4. D. Davis Immigration
5. P. Fielder Stewie's Rev...
6. R. Canó Baseball Sta...
7. P. Polanco Bye Bye Bronson
8. L. Overbay Fu-Schnickens
Round 21
1. J. Papelbon Fu-Schnickens
2. B. Clark Bye Bye Bronson
3. É. Rentería Baseball Sta...
4. T. Graffanino Stewie's Rev...
5. R. Winn Immigration
6. N. Cotts Corked Bat &...
7. T. Jones Damn Mosquitoes
8. J. Jones Angry Mobsters

I got some awesome young talent in Kinsler and Liarano, and the i fuck it pick with the last pick of the draft (Sopranos where on in a few and my food was getting cold) I think that Kinsler, is gonna help the versitilaty of my team (he is listed as SS, and will get 2nd eligiable in 5 games) Liarano may not help me much at all until Aug or so...Wait and see.

**Quick update** I'll be posting weekly uopdates about how my team is doing every monday or so. But before that, i want to update the status of my team.

i dropped Drew, J.jones, Swisher, liarano, and put CC on the DL, i picked up S.shields (we record holds in our league) C. Ray (yes i am trying to corner the market in Closers) and i also picked up hermidia, an OF from the marlins... a rook with lots of upside. then to replace CC i picked up Cuppucano (SP?) from the brewers, he lookeds good in his first start and will start again before the end of the week. Ok ill update the stats and results on monday for my team, this is were i present my weekly Offensive and Pitching Players of the week.

Until then my little papi's


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